
Showing posts from 2011

Auburn Offense vs Oregon Defense

2010 Auburn vs Oregon [2 QTR] from ragin caucasian on Vimeo .

Why you should install your offense in four days

Excited about getting back to blogging and making a blog a great place to learn, be inspired, and grow. Chris Brown's Smart Football is a great site and if you have never visited it and you coach the game of football you need to take a look. Great peice from that site on: Why you should install your offense in four days Be blessed and get smarter, Coach J

The Butler Way

This is a great devotional from the FCA website. I know it is basketball related but it is good stuff. The Butler Way: One Day Better By Jere Johnson Posted March 29, 2011 “But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” - James 1:22 (NLT) Set: It’s not a mistake that the Butler Bulldogs are back in the Final Four. Yes, they won some close games to make it back to the Big Dance in Houston, but it’s been more than a two-week journey that got them there. It started when Butler hired a young man named Brad Stevens. Coach Stevens is a man of deep convictions: his faith, his family and his future—all of which are placed in God’s hands. He runs his program the same way. Coach Stevens calls it “The Butler Way.” This is how he describes it: “It starts with being a values-based organization and sticking to a vision and a mission that you’re trying to achieve—the values that we deem necessary and important to have a successful

11 Rules on Marriage You Won't Learn in School

I shared this tonight at Infuse, our net for 18-20 somethings. It is a great list, enjoy and share. 11 Rules on Marriage You Won't Learn in School by Dennis Rainey For many years, e-mails have circulated the country with the outline of a speech attributed to Microsoft founder Bill Gates titled "11 Things You Will Not Learn in School About Jobs." It turns out that Gates never wrote these words or delivered the speech--it was all taken from an article written by Charles J. Sykes in 1996. And it really doesn't matter that Gates wasn't involved, because the piece does a great job of unmasking how feel-good, politically-correct teachings have created a generation of kids with a false concept of reality. I thought I'd not only pass on these rules, but also make a few of my own--on marriage. First, here are the 11 rules of life that you won't learn in school: Rule 1: Life is not fair--get used to it! Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The w

Football at the Top of the World

Sikeston Fire Series

The "Auburn" Fire Series In blog entry number one, we talked about moving our back to the pistol look. As I stated, this turned about to be a great move for us. In the next couple of days, I plan to get up some clips of Veer out of the Pistol which I wrote about in that entry. But maybe our best addition this year was our "fire" series. What we were looking for and what we actually ended up doing were two different things. We wanted to add a "fire" series, which for us would be a formation completely different than our normal sets, with a few base plays, that we would run after a big play or as a change of pace. In my search for such a series, I came across the video below. As you can see we liked what the backfield action did to the defense forcing them to stand still and "find" the ball. So we took the video and drew up our "fire" series. As stated we were going to use it sparingly after big plays and as a change of pace. The only thi

Practical Take Home Tips for Small Behavior Changes

Practical Take Home Tips for Small Behavior Changes 1. Seek and Surrender 2. Sweat 3. Sleep 4. Simplify 5. Solitude and Silence 6. Smile 7. Sweep 8. Slow Down 9. Shut Off 10. Sabbath

Bubble Option

The Boys of Fall

The Boys of Fall Lyrics at elw